Happy National Volunteers Week 2022
At Door 84 we rely on the hard work and dedication of our Volunteers, who support us in all aspects of our work. We would like to thank them for being so fabulous!
Over the past week we have been sharing some stories from our Volunteers to celebrate them and their achievements.

Meet Phil
Phil has volunteered with Door 84 on the Community Sparks project for 8 years! Phil is Door 84’s resident Elvis and his passion is entertaining at the Community Sparks parties and bigger Door 84 community events.
Phil tells us “I love helping others and being part of Door 84. It makes me happy getting involved with sessions and events”
Thank you for your continued hard work and passion over the last 8 years Phil.

Meet Elena
Elena is one of our Green Badge Volunteers who currently volunteers on our Youth Sessions!
Elena is studying Counselling and Mental Health @YorkStJohn University and applied to Door 84 as her first choice placement!
Elena loves ‘doing crafts with the young people, they are so artistic!’

Meet Ben
Ben has been a long time young volunteer at Door 84!
Ben supports the team during youth sessions, mainly by running a range of sports games like football, cricket and rugby.
When asked why he volunteers at Door 84, he told us “I just enjoy the sessions and its fun helping out with everyone”

Meet Will
Will started volunteering with Door 84 as a part of his Duke of Edinburgh award and supports the team during our youth sessions and event days.
When we spoke to Will he told us ‘I really enjoy volunteering at Door 84 and when my Duke of Edinburgh course has finished, I will carry on volunteering!’
Thank you for being a great help and support Will!
Would you like to join the team and volunteer for us? For more information click here.