Community Sparks Aids Good Mental Health

During the months of September to December, Community Sparks Supported Volunteers started to meet once a week (as group sessions were closed) for wellbeing walks, coffee and chats to stay connected and talk about the good old times at Door 84.

This brought back a bit of normality for them all. One volunteer commented “You could see it on my face – my eyes lit up! I was happy again – walking and talking means that we can exercise and catch up, it’s a win-win!”

The wellbeing walks included river walks along the Ouse, historical landmarks such as Cliffords Tower, the Museum Gardens and the Bar Walls in addition to the beautiful Rowntree Park.

The group are looking forward to continuing the wellbeing walks as soon as it is possible.
The project is currently running adapted services. For project updates please call 01904 623177, email, or follow our Facebook page: Community Sparks at Door 84 (@communitysparks)