Data Protection Privacy Statement
So that Door 84 can look after you while you are attending sessions, we must have certain information about you. The information we hold about you is who you are, where you live, your age, date of birth, ethnicity, gender and contact details.
Looking after your information is important to us, we keep all the details we hold on you safe in a locked cabinet and only Door 84 staff can have access to them.
We follow the most Data Protection Regulation, this means that your information will not be shared unless we are worried about your safety. We may be asked to pass this data on to companies that fund youth sessions, but in most cases this information will be anonymous. Any information passed onto funders is also kept safe as they follow the General Data Protection Regulation too. If you have any questions, please ask a youth worker in session.
You can find out more about how we use your data from our Privacy Notice